Histriones novohispanos del siglo XVI : indios, militares, frailes y comediantes

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Óscar Armando García
Based on a review of contemporary documents and literature, this article seeks to identify the actors and performers who took part in the first theatrical manifestations of 16th century colonial Mexico and to describe how they succeeded in appropriating their own performance spaces. The article analyzes the theatrical representations and performances that characterized the early years of colonial Mexico and describes the participation and role of their actors, the first actors in the history of Mexican theatre.

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Com citar
Armando García, Óscar. “Histriones novohispanos del siglo XVI : indios, militares, frailes y comediantes”. Medievalia, vol.VOL 15, pp. 179-00, https://raco.cat/index.php/Medievalia/article/view/268692.