The limits of fuzzy logic

Juan Luis Castro Peña

Inference of fuzzy regular grammars from examples

Inmaculada Fortes Ruiz, Rafael Morales Bueno, José Luís Pérez de la Cruz Molina, Francisco Triguero Ruiz, M. A. Comino

On the global stability of Takagi-Sugeno general model

Fernando Matía, Basil M. Al-Hadithi, Agustín Jiménez

Fast prototyping of computing-oriented fuzzy logic systems

José Ignacio Martínez Torre, Jean-Pierre Deschamps, Milagros Fernández Centeno

A mixed-signal architecture for high complexity CMOS fuzzy controllers

Rafael Navas González, Fernando Vidal Verdú, Ángel Rodríguez-Vázquez

Some practical problems in fuzzy sets-based decision support systems

Antonio Sancho Royo, José Luis Verdegay, Edmundo Vergara-Moreno

Truth and utility in fuzzy logic

Alejandro Sobrino Cerdeiriña

A reflection on what is a membership function

Enric Trillas i Gay, Claudi Alsina i Català

Putting together Łukasiewicz and product logics

Francesc Esteva Massaguer, Lluís Godo Lacasa

Idempotent operators on a finite chain

Margarita Mas Grimalt, Joan Torrens Sastre, Tomasa Calvo Sánchez, Marc Carbonell Huguet

Method of least squares applied to the generalized modus ponens with interval-valued fuzzy sets

Eduard Agustench Cotilla, Humberto Nicanor Bustince Sola, Mª Victoria Mohedano Salillas