Dual commutative hyper-K-idelas of type 1 in hyper K-algebras of order 3

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Lida Torkzadeh
Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi
In this note we classify the bounded hyper K-algebras of order 3, which
have D1 = {1}, D2 = {1, 2} and D3 = {0, 1} as a dual commutative hyper
K-ideal of type 1. In this regard we show that there are such non-isomorphic
bounded hyper K-algebras.

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Torkzadeh, Lida; and Zahedi, Mohammad Mehdi. “Dual commutative hyper-K-idelas of type 1 in hyper K-algebras of order 3”. Mathware & soft computing, vol.VOL 13, no. 1, https://raco.cat/index.php/Mathware/article/view/84934.