La iglesia nacional de la Corona de Aragón en Roma y el poder real en los siglos modernos

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Maximiliano , 1944- Barrio Gozalo
In the first years of the XVIth century, the church and hospital of Montserrat of Rome became the religious and charitable institution of the natural people of the Crown of Aragon, who governed it. In the XVIIth century, they saw their autonomy threatened by the increasingly more frequent intervention of the ambassador of the catholic king. In the last years of that century, the royal power was more and more demanding. This royal power was consolidated in the first half of the XVIIIth century with the royal patronage agreement.

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How to Cite
Barrio Gozalo, Maximiliano , 1944-. “La iglesia nacional de la Corona de Aragón en Roma y el poder real en los siglos modernos”. Manuscrits: revista d’història moderna, no. 26, pp. 135-63,