Los pliegos sueltos de romances RM686-RM685 y RM408-RM409: contextos, materialidad y ecdótica

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Mario Garvin

This article analyses four ballad chap-books (RM686-RM685 and RM408-RM409) which form two independent series of transmission, but which by their typology and context, transcend their own individuality, revealing useful information about the influence of materiality on the contents of the printed book and on the form of the poetic text, both in these particular witnesses and in later editions.

Paraules clau
Textual criticism; analitical bibliography; ballads; chap-book

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Com citar
Garvin, Mario. “Los pliegos sueltos de romances RM686-RM685 y RM408-RM409: contextos, materialidad y ecdótica”. Magnificat Cultura i Literatura Medievals, vol.VOL 8, pp. 165-84, https://raco.cat/index.php/MagnificatCLM/article/view/412326.