Moxibustion for correcting non-cepphalic presentation. A literature review

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Maite Miranda García
Cristina Domingo Gómez
Ikram Allaoui
Ma. Dolores Gómez Roig
Josefina Goberna Tricas


Although the incidence of non-cephalic presentation in the last trimester of pregnancy is not high, around 4% of expectant mothers have this presentation at the time of childbirth, which tends to lead to a cesarean birth. Many women today prefer a birth that is as safe as possible, but with little medical intervention. One of the objectives of the World Health Organisation is to keep the number of cesareans below 21% of all births. Currently, there are two techniques for trying to turn the fetus to a cephalic presentation: the external cephalic version and moxibustion.


To assess the base of research evidence for correcting breech presentation with the use of moxibustion.

Material and Methods

Papers were identified by sequential searching of the following databases: Medline, Cochrane, Web of Science and Scopus. Papers that assess the efficacy of moxibustion in pregnant women with breech presentation were analysed.


Fourteen papers were selected for analysis. Moxibustion at V67 in pregnant women with breech presentation seems to be effective at turning the fetus to cephalic presentation.


Moxibustion is a simple technique that is well accepted by pregnant women and economical. It should always be undertaken by expert acupuncture professionals. Future research is required to support this technique.

acupuncture, non-cephalic presentation, breech presentation

Article Details

How to Cite
Miranda García, Maite et al. “Moxibustion for correcting non-cepphalic presentation. A literature review”. MUSAS. Revista de Investigación en Mujer, Salud y Sociedad, vol.VOL 3, no. 1, pp. 3-23,
Author Biographies

Maite Miranda García, Universitat de Barcelona; Campus Docent Hospital Sant Joan de Déu

Doctoranda al Programa de Enfermeria i Salut de la Universitat de Barcelona. Infermera acupuntora a l'Hospital Sant Joan de Déu

Cristina Domingo Gómez, Campus Docent Sant Joan de Déu

Metge acupuntora. Llicenciada en Medicina. Directora del Màster de Valoració Energètica i Acupuntura del Campus Docent Sant Joan de Déu

Ma. Dolores Gómez Roig, BCNatal, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu; Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu

Obstetra, Dra. en Medicina

Josefina Goberna Tricas, Departament d'Infermeria de Salut Pública, Salut Mental i Maternoinfantil, Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut, Universitat de Barcelona

Professora titular d'universitat

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