The Ribes sculptors: Biographical notes and documented work

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Miquel Pou Amengual
In this article, we investigate the life and work of Bartomeu and Antoni Ribes, two Majorcan sculptors of the 17th and 18th centuries. Biographical information is provided on the sculptors using extant data and new sources to shed light on the artists’ family life, studio, places where they worked, and their oeuvre.
Bartomeu Ribes, Antoni Ribes, Rafel Torres, Esteve Sanxo, Josep Martorell, Francisco Herrera, Onofre Ribot, Barceló sculptors, Francesc and Llorenç Vallespir

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How to Cite
Pou Amengual, Miquel. “The Ribes sculptors: Biographical notes and documented work”. Locus Amoenus, no. 13, pp. 57-89,