The Consortium for Language Normalisation: “25 years making Catalan’s heart beat”

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Alba Conesa
Rosa Ibarz
Founded 25 years ago, the Consortium for Language Normalisation (CPNL), is the organisation that embodiesthe shared desire of the Government of Catalonia,town and city councils and other local authoritiesto promote equal opportunities through knowledge ofthe language, promoting Catalan language and culture,strengthening the language as a tool for social cohesionand ensuring the presence of Catalan languageand culture in all spheres. Today, the CPNL is aninstitution that is present all over Catalonia: it has 135local members in a structure formed by 22 centres forlanguage normalisation and 146 information points.This article summarises the history of the CPNL overthese first 25 years.
language normalisation, promotion, language, culture, consulting, teaching, volunteers for the language, courses, campaigns

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How to Cite
Conesa, Alba; and Ibarz, Rosa. “The Consortium for Language Normalisation: ‘25 years making Catalan’s heart beat’”. Llengua i ús: revista tècnica de política lingüística, no. 56, pp. 70-78,