Social networks and terminology. How the social networks affect work on terminology

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F. Xavier Fargas Valero
Marta Grané Franch
Maria Cortés Jordana
This article is based on the communications that theauthors presented at the Terminology Spaces andthe Summit on Terminology that took place on 26, 27and 28 November 2014, devoted specifically to issueslinked to the networks social.Based on the experience of the Centre for Terminology in recent years, we note some of the aspects inwhich the influence of these networks on terminologywork is most evident, with special attention tothe case of Twitter, a tool that, in certain aspects, hasbrought about rather significant change.
terminology, social network, methodology, communication, shared knowledge

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How to Cite
Fargas Valero, F. Xavier et al. “Social networks and terminology. How the social networks affect work on terminology”. Llengua i ús: revista tècnica de política lingüística, no. 56, pp. 15-22,