Els textos sobre educació física i esport en la llengua catalana des del 1880 fina al 1938

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Xavier Torrebadella i Flix
Jordi Brasó i Rius
The following article presents a debate on the literature on sports, gymnastics and physical education published between 1880 and 1938. This paper's research is developed around works found in bibliographic studies which are analyzed and contextualized from the standpoint of the dissemination of Catalan literature and language. Accordingly, it provides a selected bibliographic of these Catalan written pieces and evaluates their impact on the cultural
and national construction of Catalonia.

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How to Cite
Torrebadella i Flix, Xavier; and Brasó i Rius, Jordi. “Els textos sobre educació física i esport en la llengua catalana des del 1880 fina al 1938”. Llengua i literatura, pp. 7-52, https://raco.cat/index.php/LlenguaLiteratura/article/view/336668.