La Negació en els parlars pirinencs centrals. Sintaxi de la partícula emfàtica cap

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Ares Llop Naya
Negation in Central Pyrenean dialects. Syntax of the emphatic marker capThis paper explores the expression of emphatic negation in Catalan dialects, specifically in Central Pyrenean dialects (mainly in Pallarese) by means of the particle cap. The analysis is performed using two approaches. In the first approach, we take advantage of the traditional dialectology data to analyse the etymology of cap and present a geo-linguistic delimitation of the use of
the particle in the dialects of the Trans-Pyrenean area.Deviating from the traditional approach, we also analyse the particle from the perspectives of micro-syntactic variation and syntactic change, with particular attention to diachronic and synchronic patterns within Pyrenean Romance languages and dialects. From the diachronic perspective, we describe the process of reanalysis of the particle from a nominal minimizer to a low emphatic polarity particle Jespersens (incipient) Cycle and as a marker of sentential negation (as a result of an uncertain syntactic change underway). From a synchronic and theoretical standpoint, we present a morphosyntactic description of the element; comment on the main distributional patterns, syntactic properties and formal features; and add brief remarks on the semantic and pragmatic use of the element studied.

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How to Cite
Llop Naya, Ares. “La Negació en els parlars pirinencs centrals. Sintaxi de la partícula emfàtica <i>cap</i>”;. Llengua i literatura, pp. 31-60,