De llibertat, autoritat, in/dependències (a la vida i l'obra de Maria-Mercè Marçal)

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Rosa Rius Gatell
This article pays attention to two moments in the life and work (inseparably united) of Maria Mercè Marçal. The first refers to a search of small objects presided by the moon. Taking this search as a motif, the freedom which the poet confers to the nocturnal light –mythical and magical symbol of femaleness– and, therefore, to that which symbolises the heavenly body, is revealed. The second moment revolves around the reflection of Marçal on the “female authority”. A concept which this author, inspired by the filosofical community Diotima, distinguishes from power. Throughout history, Maria-Mercè Marçal remarked, many women have gained strength from the free atribution of authority to other women, to their texts, to their experiences.

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Com citar
Rius Gatell, Rosa. “De llibertat, autoritat, in/dependències (a la vida i l’obra de Maria-Mercè Marçal)”. Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat, no. 10, pp. 239-4,