Maps of student genres in engineering a didactic model for teaching academic and professional Spanish language
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Textual genres written by university students have become the focus of attention due to their importance within disciplinary learning (Parodi 2010). This paper has been developed in the field of study called student genres (Navarro 2018) and it uses the analysis of situated genre (Swales 2018, Pérez-Llantada 2015) as its methodological platform. This study has two main objectives: a) to create a map of student genres from a learner corpus of the engineering field and b) to propose a didactic model for teaching academic and professional Spanish language using this map. Hence, linguistic research and description are linked to students‟ pedagogical needs (Breeze and Sancho Guinda 2017ab) and take into account the actual practice in the communities as well as the writers in these disciplines (Curry and Hanauer 2014). Finally, implications for configuring specific didactics in LSP are discussed.
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