Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Article assessment process

JoSSIT only accepts articles that have not been published in other journals, sites or forums and that are not being reviewed for another publication at the same time. Articles are first read by the JoSSIT editorial board to assess the suitability of the subject matter and they then pass them to the expert reviewers.

The review process for an article takes three to four months. Authors will be told the result once the expert review has been completed at the end of this period.


Step 1. The article is submitted via the journal website.

Step 2. The editorial board decide whether the article complies with the purpose and scope of the journal.

Step 3. The author will be notified of the decision regarding this first stage within 15 days. The result of this process may be “Suitable Content”, in which case the blind peer review can begin (2-3 months); or it may be “Unsuitable Content”, in which case the manuscript is rejected and the journal will recommend the author approach a journal that is more appropriate for the subject matter.

Step 4. Two academic experts review the article content without knowing the identity of the author. This takes around two or three months.

Step 5. The editorial board and editor is notified of the result of the expert review.

Step 6. The author is informed of the result of the expert review. This may be “Accepted”, in which case the article goes directly to publication; “Accepted with changes”, in which case the experts will suggest changes that must be carried out for the article to be published (within a maximum of 15 days); or “Rejected”, in which case the article has reached the end of the process with the journal as it cannot be published.

Publication frequency

JoSSIT publishes one open-access issue per year on its online platform (www.jossit.cat) in December.

To submit articles via the online platform, you first need to register and log in.

Once logged in you can check the status of your submissions and the phase your article is currently in.


Author guidelines


JoSSIT only publishes original articles that are not being reviewed by another journal at the same time.


Articles must fall within JoSSIT’s editorial and subject remit, which deals with sound, silence and music in audiovisual products.


JoSSIT accepts original manuscripts in Catalan, Spanish and English. All articles will be published in English and additionally in the language of the original submission as a second language (Catalan or Spanish).


Articles will be assessed by the editorial board to determine whether they fall within the remit of the journal, and subsequently by experts in the relevant subject area in a blind peer review.


Authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions and authorisations for any images and other copyright material included in their articles.


Articles submitted to JoSSIT must include:

  • A title
  • Details of the author/s (name and surname/s, academic and/or professional affiliation, postal address, email address)
  • An abstract (200-300 words) summarising the most relevant aspects and results of the work
  • 4-6 keywords
  • The main body of the article divided into sections and subsections
  • A bibliography and references

Original manuscripts must be submitted in electronic format (Microsoft Word, RTF or Open Office) and the text should be around 6000-8000 words long, including footnotes, bibliography and image captions.

Notes should be as footnotes.

Articles will be published with citations following APA (American Psychological Association) style. That said, JoSSIT would prefer authors to spend more time on the quality of the content and enhancing their ideas than on presentation, and so our editors will adapt the text to the required format. Any citation style can be presented: we prioritise sharing knowledge over time spent editing.

A maximum of 10 graphs, tables or images per article is recommended. These can be inserted directly into the text.

Bibliographical references in APA style

Our priority is the publication and exchange of scientific knowledge, and so our editors will adapt the citations to APA style before publishing if another style has been used.

If you wish to find out more about APA citation style, please see the following links:





Torras, D. (2018). La ràdio. Mitjà, recursos i gèneres. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

Torras, D. (2017) (Coord.). Música, sonido y silencio en el audiovisual. El sonido documental. S.l.: CreateSpace.

Chapters or parts of books

Torras, D. (2017). Hábitos de escucha musical durante la navegación. Dónde, cómo y qué escuchamos a través de Internet. In Miranda, L. & Sanjuán, R. (Eds). Música y Medios Audiovisuales: Análisis, investigación y nuevas propuestas didácticas (pp. 275-295). Alacant: Letra de Palo.

Journal articles

Torras, D. (2017). ¿Nueva escucha en la red? Hábitos universitarios de consumo musical y navegación. Anàlisi. Quaderns de Comunicació i Cultura, 57(1), 115-130.

Torras, D. & Roquer, J. (2017). La vinculación del sonotipo con los parámetros contemporáneos de la comunicación. Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación/Mediterranean Journal of Communication, 8(2), 37-49.


Anti-plagiarism policy

The journal JoSSIT is committed to the copyright of the scientific community and is committed to quality in the originality of the contributions, although based on duly cited previous contributions. For this reason, JoSSIT applies a systematic review of the articles proposed through the Turnitin application. This anti-plagiarism policy guarantees that all published works are unpublished and original and contributes to increasing the quality of articles and of publication in general. The authors and reviewers also have many other free access anti-plagiarism tools such as CopioNICPlagscan or Plagium among others.