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JOTSE: Journal of technology and science education
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2016: Vol.: 6 Núm.: 1
Technology and science education: looking at the future
Beatriz Amante García, María del Rosario Martínez Martínez
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‘Standards’ on the bench: do standards for technological literacy render an adequate image of technology?
Mahdi Ghaemi Nia, Marc J. De Vries
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ICT and inclusive education: attitudes of the teachers in secondary education
José María Fernández Batanero, María Jesús Colmenero Ruiz
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Post secondary project-based learning in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
Rachel A. Ralph
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An evaluation tool for physics applets
Arcadi Pejuan Alcobé, Xavier Bohigas Janoher, Javier Jaen Herbera
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The use of e-portfolio in a linear algebra course
Judit Taberna Torres, María Isabel García Planas, Santiago Domínguez García
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Mathematical modelling in engineering: a proposal to introduce linear algebra concepts
Andrea Dorila Cárcamo Bahamonde, Joan Vicenç Gómez Urgellés, José María Fortuny Aymeni
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