EXPLORE: an action to bring science and technology closer to secondary school

Núria Torras Melenchón, Maria Dolors Grau Vilalta, Josep Font Soldevila, Josep Freixas Bosch

PBL on line: a proposal for the organization, part-time monitoring and assessment of PBL group activities

Enric Martí Godia, Debora Gil Resina, Antoni Gurgui Valverde, Aura Hernández Sabaté, Jaume Rocarias Oraa, Ferran Poveda

Generic skills development and learning/assessment process: use of rubrics and students validation

Montserrat Iborra Urios, Eliana Ramírez Rangel, Roger Bringué Tomàs, Javier Tejero Salvador, Fidel Cunill García, Carles Fité Piquer

Automatic evaluation of practices in Moodle for self learning in engineering

Carles Sánchez, Oriol Ramos, Patricia Márquez, Enric Martí, Jaume Rocarias Oraa, Debora Gil Resina

Interdisciplinary robotics project for first-year engineering degree students

Mercedes Aznar Jiménez, José Zacarés García, Jaime López Sánchez, Rafael Sánchez, José Manuel Pastor Benlloch, Jaume Llorca Martínez

Evaluation of project based learning in the area of manufacturing and statistics in the degree of industrial technology

Irene Buj Corral, Lluís Marco Almagro, Alex Riba, Joan Vivancos Calvet, Xavier Tort-Martorell Llabrés

Google+ as a tool for use in cooperative laboratory activities between universities

Joan Puig Ortiz, Rosa Pàmies Vila, Jordi Ramon Martínez Miralles