The management of digital formats: a key skill

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Jorge Franganillo

Digital formats codify and structure information of varied morphology in binary language. Each format, however, is designed for a specific purpose, so knowing their technical properties is vital. The choice of an inadequate format or a poor approach to metadata management can lead to the irreversible loss of information. Based on this premise, this paper presents file format management as a core competence of information professionals. This skill involves, among other tasks, determining which format is suitable for each usage scenario and making well-grounded decisions regarding metadata, file naming conventions and the structure of digital collections.

file formats, information management, metadata, digital preservation

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How to Cite
Franganillo, Jorge. “The management of digital formats: a key skill”. Item: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, vol.VOL 2023, no. 74, doi:10.34810/itemn74id417347.