Why are libraries important in the 21st century? Answers, questions and proposals
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Alicia Sellés
In the light of the way libraries have been treated during the covid-19 crisis, in that they were not regarded as essential services, we reflect upon the meaning and the role of libraries today. We revisit their functions, evaluate their response during the pandemic and make some proposals moving forward. If these proposals were already necessary before the pandemic, they have now been
shown to be urgent.
libraries, citizens’ rights, community, advocacy, digitisation, accessibility, new professional profiles.
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How to Cite
Sellés, Alicia. “Why are libraries important in the 21st century? Answers, questions and proposals”. Item: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, vol.VOL 2021, no. 70, doi:10.34810/itemn70id388401.
(c) Item: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, 2021
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