Digital art and orality, or the proof that creativity in public libraries knows no limits

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Aurora Igual
Maite Pinteño

In the course of 2019, the Gavà Public Library Network, in collaboration with Tantàgora Serveis Culturals, developed a digital art and orality BiblioLab, a somewhat unexplored formula in artistic expression. The three main pillars that converge in BiblioLab are: the announcement and hosting of a residency programme for artists and digital and technological creators to develop new formats of orality and digital art; a seminar about literature and digital tools for High School teachers and librarians; and the creation of a focus group comprised of library users involved in decision-making.

bibliolab, bibliolab, orality, orality, digital art, digital art, public library, public library, creation, creation, innovation, innovation, experimentation, experimentation, learning by doing, learning by doing

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How to Cite
Igual, Aurora; and Pinteño, Maite. “Digital art and orality, or the proof that creativity in public libraries knows no limits”. Item: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, vol.VOL 2020, no. 68,