Digital marketing and public libraries in Majorca
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Nativitat Muntaner Sans
The current situation of the public libraries of Majorca in terms of library marketing is analysed in order to afford greater visibility to the libraries and to ensure their continuity. Majorca is one of the best prepared areas to make the leap from the digital society to the cognitive society, since 89.3 % of homes there have Internet access, and 4G connection covers 99 % of the territory. It describes the state of public participation in public libraries by analysing the website of the Consell de Mallorca (Government of Majorca), municipal websites, microwebs and the main tools used by libraries for digital marketing purposes.
digital marketing, digital society, library marketing, Majorca, public libraries, social media, visibility
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How to Cite
Muntaner Sans, Nativitat. “Digital marketing and public libraries in Majorca”. Item: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, vol.VOL 2, no. 64,