Europe, cloud computing and personal data protection
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Ramon Miralles Miralles
The cloud computing is a model of delivery and/or provisioning service of information technology and communication. Its adoption both by business and individual users, and even by the public sector, is occurring very quickly, like everything that has to do with the technology and Internet. The benefits of its use are obvious, but is not without risks, some of them very important, especially in relation to the processing of personal data.According to analysts in the coming years this will be go further, both with respect to individual users of the network and online services, and for the organizations, and in both cases it will affect how they use ICT. In relation to the users of the network, cloud computing has many points in common with Web 2.0 and, in addition to businesses, is closely linked to the processes of outsourcing of services of information technology and communication.
cloud computing, data protection, personal data, law, ICT, technological risks, economy, Europe, digital market,
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How to Cite
Miralles, Ramon Miralles. “Europe, cloud computing and personal data protection”. Item: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, no. 57,