Research data: from darkness to clarity

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Ignasi Labastida
Once open access policies on the publication of the research results have been consolidates, further actions to open more results arisen from research have begun to appear. Among those actions we find policies towards data used or obtained in a research process. Traditionally, those data were only available to a small group of researchers, but now it has been consi-dered to provide them to the public and therefore anyone could use them to reproduce or verify the results. Nevertheless, the opening of data brings many doubts and many questions from researchers and from research institutions. Not only to overcome the traditional reluctance, but also to determine which data to share, how to share them, where to post them ... In this new opening process, research libraries have a new opportunity to help to answer all those questions and take the challenge to collaborate in disseminating research results openly.
data research, open access, research libraries, open data,

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How to Cite
Labastida, Ignasi. “Research data: from darkness to clarity”. Item: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, no. 57,

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