La arquitectura de la biblioteca(Review of the book of Santi Romero La arquitectura de la biblioteca: recomendaciones para un proyecto integral)

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The book being reviewed, L’arquitectura de la biblioteca: recomanacions per a un projecte integral, by Santi Romero, is a invaluable tool for architects and librarians for the construction of a library, for its use and integration into its surroundings. For architects, its usefulness can be found in the systemisation of their work at the moment of desig-ning and planning all the spaces of the building. And for librarians, it specifies and develops the ideal characteristics that the building should have, both in reference to its functions and to the use that will be made of it by library workers and users alike.
library architecture, library and surroundings, description of library services and spaces, evolution of library architecture, legal framework,

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“La arquitectura de la biblioteca(Review of the book of Santi Romero La arquitectura de la biblioteca: recomendaciones para un proyecto integral)”. Item: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, no. 54,