The experience of the Universitat de Barcelona’s Library Service During the consortial migra-tion to Millennium

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Àngels Bonsón
Rosa Fabeiro
The article reflects on the UB library service’s experiences during the change of library systems undertaken jointly by the libraries that form the CBUC consortium.  It focuses on organizational and technical actions and milestones experienced by the UB’s implementation team on both a professional level and, more significantly, a personal level, as reflected in their involvement, challenges, satisfaction and efforts. The conclusion is twofold. On the one hand, it highlights team work as a factor of success and, on the other, it calls for a global reflection on process analyses andwork flows at the institutional level, in order to take greatest advantage of what the integral management system offers and to achieve maximum efficiency.
Libraries Management System, Millennium, MARC 21, CATMARC, data migration, format conversion, Resource Center forLearning and Research, University of Barcelona, University Union Catalogue of Catalonia, work in team, cooperation,

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How to Cite
Bonsón, Àngels; and Fabeiro, Rosa. “The experience of the Universitat de Barcelona’s Library Service During the consortial migra-tion to Millennium”. Item: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, no. 52,