New jobs offerings for graduates: an analysis of educational cooperation agreements at the Faculty of Library and Information Sciences (University of Barcelona) 1998- 2002
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Maite Comalat
Constança Espelt
Anna Rubió Rodon
Based on an analysis of job offers received at the Library and Information Science Faculty from commercial companies between September 1998 and June 2002, the authors highlight three aspects: industrial sector, type of work for which applicants were being sought and, in third place, knowledge and attitudinal requirements for the candidates. The information gathered permits proposals to be made for specific actions and work programmes for the academic training of the students as well as for their career focus.
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How to Cite
Comalat, Maite et al. “New jobs offerings for graduates: an analysis of educational cooperation agreements at the Faculty of Library and Information Sciences (University of Barcelona) 1998- 2002”. Item: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, no. 33, p. 71,
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