The use of Internet in technical services. Part I

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Assumpció Estivill Rius
The development of technologies in the last few decades have directly influenced the organization of technical services in libraries and the way they carry out socalled "technical tasks". One of the last examples of the impact is the use of Internet for technical work. This article offers a selective presentation of resources available on Internet for personnel of technical services in general, and specifically for acquisitions and cataloguing. A summary review on how Internet resources are used to the advantage of technical services in Catalan academic libraries. A second part will analyse Internet's resources intended for the processing of specific materials such as
serials, electronic resources, special collections, etc.

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How to Cite
Estivill Rius, Assumpció. “The use of Internet in technical services. Part I”. Item: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, no. 20, pp. 44-78,