Citations and bibliographic references for book and nonbook sources

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Assumpció Estivill Rius
Cristóbal Urbano
A proposal for formulating bibliographic references and citations for all types of information sources, book and nonbook, print and nonprint, as well as their respective components. By way of introduction, the authors justify the reasons for the proposal and explain the models upon wich it is based. Once
approved, these guidelines would primarily be adopted by the autors and proofreaders of ITEM magazine, although it is hoped that their use would also extend to other professional papers and publications in the field of Library

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How to Cite
Estivill Rius, Assumpció; and Urbano, Cristóbal. “Citations and bibliographic references for book and nonbook sources”. Item: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, no. 15, pp. 4-59,