Ernest Abadal: "Els responsables acadèmics han de veure que la biblioteca és un dels actius bàsics per al desplegament de l'EEES"

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Anna Rovira Fernández
Marta López Vivancos
Interview with Ernest Abadal, assistant to the Vice-Rector of Teaching Policies for Information and Documentation Services of the University of Barcelona. He discusses the University’s Resource Centre for Learning and Research, covering topics such as: services offered, assessment by institutional authorities and users; evaluation; physical spaces; patrimonial collections and digitisation projects. He also discusses the Consortium of University Libraries of Catalonia (CBUC) and the relationship between the libraries and the European Space for Higher Education.
University of Barcelona, Resource Centre for Learning and Research, academic libraries,

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How to Cite
Rovira Fernández, Anna; and López Vivancos, Marta. “Ernest Abadal: ‘Els responsables acadèmics han de veure que la biblioteca és un dels actius bàsics per al desplegament de l’EEES’”. Item: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, no. 46, pp. 81-92,

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