Public libraries in Catalonia: a status report after a decade of the Library Law

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Elisa Camps
Lluís Bagunyà
Starts with a critique of the Library Law (1981) and the Normes per a biblioteques publiques a Catalunya, and continues with an analysis of achievements, planning studies and action taken in this field since then. The most recent activities of the agencies involved in the public library field are presented, together with the conclusions reached by the Public Library Commission created by the Department of Culture. A general outline of a desirable plan of action is given, with definitions of jurisdictions, distribution of funds, and a description of the Library Map. Proposals for the development of aspects of the Law in the field of public libraries and the role of the associations in overseeing compliance are presented. In conclusion, the authors emphasize the need to change the image of the public library.

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Com citar
Camps, Elisa; and Bagunyà, Lluís. “Public libraries in Catalonia: a status report after a decade of the Library Law”. Item: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, pp. 12-30,