La Poètica de l'al·lusivitat en la imatge de la "donna" i de les heroïnes tràgiques gregues a la Commedia del Dant i a l'Infern gòtic català (I)

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Josep Antoni Clua Serena
A further comparative analysis of some allusions or episodes from the Divina
Commedia, Dantes masterpiece, let us reconsider the similarities and differences
between literary models like Vergilius (Aeneid), Statius (Thebaid), Lucan
(Pharsalia) or Ovid (Metamorphoses), and the allusion to Latin Descensus
ad Inferos or Greek katabaseis and to Greek Heroes and Heroines,
besides the Islamic eschatological elements of the culture of al-Andalus
which were introduced to Europe, that Dante saw especially interesting and
important. However, the aim of this paper, taking into account other Medieval
works and iconography, is the comparison between some elements of
Misogyny in Catalan medieval literature or some drawings of the Catalan
Gothic Hell, which Dante perhaps didnt know, but were popular at his time,
and the mention of other Greek or Latin quotations from the Divina Commedia,
especially when the poem describes Dantes travels through Hell or
mentions of some heroines of Greek drama.

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Cómo citar
Clua Serena, Josep Antoni. «La Poètica de l’al·lusivitat en la imatge de la “donna” i de les heroïnes tràgiques gregues a la <i>Commedia</i> del Dant i a l’Infern gòtic català (I)». Ítaca: quaderns catalans de cultura clàssica, n.º 30, pp. 95-114,