Els testimonis únics en el Glossarium Mediae Latinitatis Cataloniae
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Mercè Puig Rodríguez-Escalona
When writing lexicographical articles for the Glossarium Mediae Latinitatis Cataloniae (GMLC), unique examples –forms that appear only once in the corpus– present a special difficulty. In this paper we aim to show the problems that the GMLC lexicographer needs to face regarding these unique examples, the resources he has to solve them, and the different casuistries towards their solution. Thus, we have organized our explanation based on four cases: first, transparent terms; second, terms of a certain complexity that have nevertheless been solved; then, terms of uncertain origin and meaning for which we offer various possibilities; and, finally, terms that are the result of errors. The words with which we illustrate these cases will also offer us the opportunity to show the characteristics of the medieval Latin of Catalonia, whose most distinctive feature is the presence of Catalan language, but where the introduction of scholarly words to decorate the prose also stands out.
Palabras clave
lexicography, Medieval Latin, Old Catalan.
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Cómo citar
Puig Rodríguez-Escalona, Mercè. «Els testimonis únics en el <i>Glossarium Mediae Latinitatis Cataloniae</i>»;. Ítaca: quaderns catalans de cultura clàssica, pp. 129-44, https://raco.cat/index.php/Itaca/article/view/433517.