Tragedia y lírica epinicial: a propósito de Eurípides, HF 673-700

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Esteban Calderón Dorda
We can see that the strophic pair points to the characteristics of epinician
in a fairly orthodox way. Heracles, in compiling all his exploits, is presented as Ἡρακλῆς ὁ καλλίνικος (HF 582). Moreover, the presence of Heracles in epinician poetry is frequent, because of the magnificent nature of his deeds, among other reasons. Ultimately, there is a Pindaric influence, which is mainly observed in a very precise and rich poetic-musical terminology, palpable in the choice of words, positioning of them and metric interweaving, as well as in the agonistic references, offering a perfect structural unit.

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Com citar
Calderón Dorda, Esteban. “Tragedia y lírica epinicial: a propósito de Eurípides, <i>HF 673-700</i> ”. Ítaca: quaderns catalans de cultura clàssica, no. 33, pp. 9-23,