Il Senso del colore in Euripide tra tradizione e innovazione

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Morena Deriu
The attention for lights and color is one of the peculiarities in the Euripidean
drama, especially in the last production, where they are matched with particular
attention. However, only few details are used as decorative ones, but
they create a passage with a particular dramatic function; as it is confirmed
by the later dramas, such as Ion and Bacchant. A new combination of traditional
hues and images, which create polychromy, seems to appear more
often and in similar contexts. For this reason, the decorative aspect of the
lyrics is not denied, but the general impression is that Euripides creates, thanks
to color, a strong visual impact, giving a specific meaning to a particular
scene and a particular drama.

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Com citar
Deriu, Morena. “Il Senso del colore in Euripide tra tradizione e innovazione”. Ítaca: quaderns catalans de cultura clàssica, no. 24-26, pp. 65-99,