Aesch. PV 6: varie lezioni e interventi congetturali

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Matteo Taufer
At Aesch. PV 6, the reading ajdamantivnwn desmw`n ejn ajrrhvktoi~ pevdai~ presented
by an ancient scholium at Aristophanes Frogs 814 is both formally and
semantically convincing. This paper reviews and discusses the entire manuscript
tradition, the printed editions and the surveys of the scholars on this
Aeschylean passage.

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Com citar
Taufer, Matteo. “Aesch. <i>PV</i> 6: varie lezioni e interventi congetturali”. Ítaca: quaderns catalans de cultura clàssica, no. 24-26, pp. 55-63,