Homer a l'escola de París

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Jaume Pòrtulas
This paper examines the work of Jean-Pierre Vernant as a reader and interpreter
of Homer. This is not one of the aspects of the great scholar to have
received most attention, with the exception of his admirable and well-known
studies on «la Belle Mort» (ὁ καλὸς θάνατος), which are not discussed here.
Instead, the paper focuses on two of Vernants later studies, «Ulysse en personne
» and «Au miroir de Pénélope», which appeared in the volume Dans
loeil du miroir
, published in 1997 in collaboration with Françoise Frontisi-
Ducroux. Vernants interpretations are assessed and in one or two minor cases
an attempt is made to take them one step further.

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Com citar
Pòrtulas, Jaume. “Homer a l’escola de París”. Ítaca: quaderns catalans de cultura clàssica, no. 24-26, pp. 41-51, https://raco.cat/index.php/Itaca/article/view/245607.