Estudio comparativo de la peinabilidad del cabello humano empleando distintos acondicionadores.

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Arun Naik
Jordi Vives
J. Cot
A hair conditioner is a chemical agent that confers to damaged hair some elasticity and combing ability, adding a befter look (sheen, soft, supple, etc). The objective eficiency of such type of cosmetics can be assessed by tensile testing. In this paper the eficiency of 4 comercial conditioners is evaluated by their elasticity and breaking load. The combing ability combability is also evaluated using a device adopted to tensile tester which simulates the combing operation. The 4 products tested show an improvement in hair elasticity, and resistance together with a better combability performance.

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Com citar
Naik, Arun et al. “Estudio comparativo de la peinabilidad del cabello humano empleando distintos acondicionadores”. Boletín Intexter del Instituto de Investigación Textil y de Cooperación Industrial, no. 87,

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