La calidad percibida por los participantes en dos ediciones de una carrera popular

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Salvador Angosto Sánchez
José María López Gullón
Arturo Díaz Suárez
Purpose: The present research is based on assessing the participants’ perceived quality in two
editions of a middle distance popular race, examining the different characteristics these type of
Design/methodology: The study was conducted through a perceived quality questionnaire for
popular races breaking it down into the different factors identified in previous studies. The
questionnaire was administered to participants in each of the editions by email.
Findings: The results of this study indicated a decrease in the valuation of the perceived quality
of the second edition, where the personal factor was the most valued in both editions. Women
had a better opinion than men in both events and in all dimensions.
Originality/value: The perceived quality analysis from the participants’ point of view will help
the sports organizers and companies, public or private, engaged in the sporting events
management to be more efficient and have better organization.

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How to Cite
Angosto Sánchez, Salvador et al. “La calidad percibida por los participantes en dos ediciones de una carrera popular”. Intangible Capital, vol.VOL 12, no. 3,