Los Recursos humanos en los procesos de fusión y adquisición
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Noemí Martínez Caraballo
In view of intangible resources -and, among them, human capital- play a significant role in the managerial strategy, this article aims to analyse the fit of human resources in companies that has been target of mergers and/or acquisitions processes. In this sense, the present paper will be centred in carrying out a state of the art of this topic and in showing some evidences about the top managers perceptions of the target company with the purpose of better understanding which are the reasons for the departure and the permanence of them.
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Martínez Caraballo, Noemí. “Los Recursos humanos en los procesos de fusión y adquisición”. Intangible Capital, vol.VOL 2, no. 12, https://raco.cat/index.php/Intangible/article/view/85064.
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