La nueva pobreza en el mercado de trabajo

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Víctor Climent Sanjuán
Purpose: This paper aims to analize the new situation of labour different from the one
of the eighties and nineties of the 20th century, that is configuring a new model of
poverty within the labour market.
Design/methodology: The current research is based on a comparative analysis of
governmental reports, proposals and plans aimed at reducing poverty through labour
market. This analysis allows to detect the main actions developed by governmental
Findings: Currently a growing number of workers (employees and self-employed) is
pushed towards poverty as a consequence of the deterioration of labour conditions in
the framework of the economic globalisation. During the crisis of the 80s, becoming
employed was a warranty to escape from poverty, but nowadays this is not enough.
Unemployment it is not the only synonym of poverty and social exclusion is not solely
found in marginal social groups. The new labour conditions, with low salaries,
temporary contracts and long working times configure a new tipology of poverty directly
linked with job market that affects more highly educated and professional groups.
Research limitations/implications: This research collects different governmental
reports and Action Plans at all levels. Even that, there can be other reports not included
in this article.
Originality/value: Currently, poverty risk responds to multifactorial parameters
determined by the relationship of the individual with the labour market, family structure, available social capital, level of family debt and existing social policies. The
comparative study of these factors allow a better understanding and analysis of this
phenomenon, increasingly global and affecting a higher number of social groups.

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Com citar
Climent Sanjuán, Víctor. “La nueva pobreza en el mercado de trabajo”. Intangible Capital, vol.VOL 11, no. 2,