Modelo de ajuste entre los motivos de participación de los expositores y visitantes para la mejora de los resultados feriales

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Cristina García Magro
Luisa E. Reyes Recio
Purpose: The aims of the paper is offers a model of analysis which allows to measure
the impact on the performance of fairs, as well as the knowledge or not of the motives
of participation of the visitors on the part of the exhibitors.
Design/methodology: A review of the literature is established concerning two of the
principal interested agents, exhibitors and visitors, focusing. The study is focused on
the line of investigation referred to the motives of participation or not in a trade show.
According to the information thrown by each perspectives of study, a comparative
analysis is carried out in order to determine the degree of existing understanding
between both.
Findings: The trade shows allow to be studied from an integrated strategic marketing
approach. The fit model between the reasons for participation of exhibitors and visitors
offer information on the lack of an understanding between exhibitors and visitors,
leading to dissatisfaction with the participation, a fact that is reflected in the fair
success. The model identified shows that a strategic plan must be designed in which the
reason for participation of visitor was incorporated as moderating variable of the reason
for participation of exhibitors. The article concludes with the contribution of a series of
proposals for the improvement of fairground results.
Social implications: The fit model that improve the performance of trade shows,
implicitly leads to successful achievement of targets for multiple stakeholders beyond
the consideration of visitors and exhibitors.
Originality/value: The integrated perspective of stakeholders allows the study of the
existing relationships between the principal groups of interest, in such a way that,
having knowledge on the condition of the question of the trade shows facilitates the
task of the investigator in future academic works and allows that the interested groups
obtain a better performance to the participation in fairs, as visitor or as exhibitor.

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Com citar
García Magro, Cristina; and Reyes Recio, Luisa E. “Modelo de ajuste entre los motivos de participación de los expositores y visitantes para la mejora de los resultados feriales”. Intangible Capital, vol.VOL 11, no. 2,