“Why to build university spaces? How to discuss them? Emergence of a new lens”

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Aslı Alanlı

Since the 1990s, the university space has been the subject of many discussions due to the introduction of communication technologies to the learning process,which has become significantly visible after the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic nowadays. These debates focus on the two extreme points ofwhether university space is necessary or not. In this regard, this research claims that the arguments on this topic are based on subject-object duality. It aims to develop a ground covering the discussions that oscillate between the two extremes by referring to sociomateriality, which advocates the interwovenness of subject and object. Adopting a retrospective perspective, itrediscovers the debates from the 1960s at the onto-epistemological levelthrough a sociomaterial lens. Finally, it situates the discussion on university space within the past-present-future dialogue.

University space, Sociomateriality, Onto-epistemology, The 1960s, Subject-object duality

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How to Cite
Alanlı, Aslı. “‘Why to build university spaces? How to discuss them? Emergence of a new lens’”. Inmaterial. Diseño, Arte y Sociedad, vol.VOL 6, no. 12, pp. 49-71, doi:10.46516/inmaterial.v6.127.