Curial e Güelfa, an Italian-Catalan Romance from the 15th Century lacking ‘Anomalies’ and ‘Mysteries’
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Abel Soler
The ‘anomalies’ (Jaume Riera, 1991) or ‘mysteries’ (Rosa Navarro, 2011-2016) that have allowed stating the hypothesis of a falsified Curial in the 19th century by Milà i Fontanals do not match with the criteria of palaeographs, philologists and other experts, who certify the authenticity of the onlycodex and the work it contains. Lola Badia and Jaume Torró prefer to speak about the ‘perplexities’ that a book that does not fit in the literary culture in the Catalonia in the middle of the 15th century has arisen for centuries in the literary criticism. If, alternatively, we search for the origin of the work in the court of Alfonso the Magnanimous in Naples —influenced by the Italian humanism— everything seems more credible.
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Soler, Abel. “Curial e Güelfa, an Italian-Catalan Romance from the 15th Century lacking ‘Anomalies’ and ‘Mysteries’”. Imago temporis: medium Aevum, pp. 91-126, doi:10.21001/itma.2018.12.03.