Paisajes culturales de la sal en Chile

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Osvaldo Moreno Flores
Emilia Román López
Karina Orozco Salinas
Artisanal saltworks on Central Chile coasts are a relevant example of a high natural-cultural value, the result of the work footprint of the salt workers on the territory over the centuries and, therefore, decisive in the construction of the salt culture and identity of the territories where they are located. These saltworks are made up of components of tangible and intangible heritage value, which cannot be considered as isolated events, but within a network-structure that forms a complex framework of links between geography, economy, culture and history. They are productive systems with unique characteristics, both for their natural and environmental values, as well as for their cultural, heritage, historical, social and identity values. However, in recent decades this valuable heritage has evidenced an important process of abandonment and deterioration, due to various natural and anthropic factors that threaten its existence. That is why its study, understanding and dissemination as a cultural landscape is key to articulate approaches and knowledge from various fields that allow, in turn, to generate effective policies and instruments for its conservation and promotion.

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Cómo citar
Moreno Flores, Osvaldo et al. «Paisajes culturales de la sal en Chile». Identidades: territorio, cultura, patrimonio, n.º 11,