La singularidad 46° 30’ latitud sur: hipótesis de un paisaje cultural entre dos horizontes
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Franz Kroeger Claussen
Time and space are explored in a cultural landscape in Patagonia. The approach has a dissection sense, to explore a thickness, some accommodations of matter, flows, intensities, and values. To do so, the transect is used, with the help of some of its main thinkers. Transect that allows us a geological, geographical, physiographic, relational, singular, cultural look, in a single sketch, in a synthetic image, that speaks to us of performative and affective times and spaces
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Kroeger Claussen, Franz. “La singularidad 46° 30’ latitud sur: hipótesis de un paisaje cultural entre dos horizontes”. Identidades: territorio, cultura, patrimonio, no. 11,