Effects of digitization on legal reasoning: a post-focaultian approximation

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David Vila-Viñas

The article systematizes some effects of the socio-legal relationships digitalization on legal reasoning from the perspective of governmentality studies. To this end, it considers legal rules and public policies as part of the modern process of rationalizing uncertainty. In the contrast between clinical and actuarial forecast rationalities, it proposes that digitization reinforces the weight of actuarial forecasting on individualized decisions, such as legal ones, dominated earlier by the former. All of this has a reformalizing effect on legal reasoning. To present its hypothesis, the article draws on two examples. On the one hand, it shows how the new possibilities of modeling judicial decisions can increase the weight of the background on the reasoning and future conduct of all legal-social operators. On the other hand, it indicates how the digital recreation of the facts relegates their clinical appreciation in favour of automated appreciation. This is how the greatest weight of the background on the new reasoning is founded, but it also opens the door to explore those reasonings according to a transparent and, therefore, reprogrammable decision tree, with the consequent change in key legal-social operators.

digitization, legal reasoning, prediction, legal-social operators, difficult cases, legal formalism

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How to Cite
Vila-Viñas, David. “Effects of digitization on legal reasoning: a post-focaultian approximation”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal, no. 39, pp. 1-12, doi:10.7238/idp.v0i39.416197.
Author Biography

David Vila-Viñas, University of Seville

Postdoctoral researcher Ramón y Cajal in the Law Philosophy Department of the University of Seville (US). Bachelor in Law, DEA and PhD in Legal Sociology and Political Institutions from the University of Zaragoza (Unizar). He has been a researcher at the Unizar Legal Sociology Laboratory and has done some stays at the International Institute of Legal Sociology (IISJ) in Oñati, at the Ambrosio Gioja Institute of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and at the Institute of Higher National Studies (IAEN) in Ecuador. From a governmentality perspective, he has worked on contemporary political rationalities, law, the modern state and public policies in the areas of social governance, formal control, family, childhood and knowledge economy.


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