Attitudes and perceptions regarding algorithmic judicial judgement: barriers to innovation in the judicial system?
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This study aims to be a starting point in the process of studying attitudes and perceptions around the use of algorithmic tools in the judicial system and explores possible barriers to innovation. The results reveal significant differences in acceptance between the general population, experts in data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) and legal professionals, with notable variations in the acceptance of algorithmic tools for judicial analysis. In addition, participants with a legal background showed a negative correlation with acceptance, indicating a more cautious stance towards the integration of such tools in the criminal justice domain. This suggests a cautious and reserved attitude among legal professionals towards the integration of algorithmic tools in the justice system, potentially rooted in concerns regarding objectivity, fairness and the preservation of legal principles in judicial processes. Furthermore, the study reveals that the acceptance of algorithmic tools is influenced by the complexity of the tasks involved in the automation of the criminal justice system. This underlines the importance of considering the level of automation and the degree of human intervention in the use of these tools. In short, this study highlights the importance of having the choice of society and more specifically of legal operators to encourage the adoption and effective implementation of algorithmic tools in the judicial sphere.
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(c) Sandra Pérez Domínguez, Pere Simón Castellanos, 2023
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Sandra Pérez Domínguez, Miguel Hernández University of Elche
Graduate in Psychology and master degree in Criminological and Victimological Intervention from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. Predoctoral investigator at Miguel Hernández University of Elche in collaboration with the company Plus Ethics. Teacher of the subject of Intrafamily and Gender Violence in the degree in Public and Private Safety of the UMH. Researcher of the Crimina Center for the study and prevention of crime and the research group TEMEC (Technology, Mind and Social and deviated behavior), both of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. Member of the organization of events in the Spanish Network of Young Researchers in Criminology (REJIC).
Pere Simón Castellanos, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR)
Full professor of Constitutional Law at the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR). Partner of the firm Font Advocats, specializing in Digital Law and director of the Criminal Compliance area. Teacher in undergraduate and graduate courses at different universities (UNIR, University of Girona, UOC, Nuclio Digital School, University of Salamanca, UNIANDES). Secretary of the Board of the ICT Law Section of the Illustrious Bar Association of Barcelona. Awarded by the Spanish Data Protection Agency (2011) and the Basque Data Protection Agency (2015). He is a member of the UNIR’s PENALCRIM research group.
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