The reorganisation of package travel by the Royal Decree-Law 23/2018, of 21 December

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Manuel Ángel De las Heras

The national legislators have been unable to transpose, in time and in form, certain directives to our body of law, specifically focussing current work on the delayed and unusual incorporation of Directive 2015/2302 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 25 November, concerning package travel and related travel services, through which Regulation no. 2006/2004 and Directive 2011/83/UE of the European Parliament and of the Council are modified and through which the previous Directive 90/314/CEE of the Council, of 13 June 1990 is abrogated, relating to package travel, package holidays and package tours. The specific transposition of the directives has been carried out via the questionable route of a recently validated Royal Decree-Law (RDL 23/2018, of 21 December) after various failed attempts and in consideration of the possibility of a fine being imposed by the European Commission prior to initiation of corresponding formal infringement proceedings. This study aims to carry out a critical analysis and to clarify of some of the new reform’s principal aspects relating to the change occurring in the sphere of package travel, particularly the integration of certain concepts such as related travel services, any possible exclusions – whether established or not in current regulations – and other relevant perspectives in view of the recognised body of law and its principal preceding groundwork.


package travel, transposition, related travel services, exclusions, contract, Royal Decree-Law

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How to Cite
De las Heras, Manuel Ángel. “The reorganisation of package travel by the Royal Decree-Law 23/2018, of 21 December”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal, no. 30, doi:10.7238/10.7238/idp.v0i30.3204.
Author Biography

Manuel Ángel De las Heras, Universidad de Alicante, ES

A graduate in Law from the University of Murcia, he subsequently read the doctoral programme "Legal Methodology, Sources and Institutions" offered by the Faculty of Law at the University of Alicante, where he presented his doctoral thesis, receiving the highest grade. Prior to his academic and research activity, he worked in both law and the judiciary. Among other recognitions, he received the Order of Saint Raymond of Peñafort award (20th edition) convened by the Bar Association of Murcia, was appointed chair of Subcommittee VIII for the production of a practical guide on the current Civil Procedure Law (named as such by the Provincial Court of Alicante), and has been lecturer and trainer at the EPJ Alicante law school, having given numerous speeches in congresses, seminars, conferences, workshops and national and international courses. For the last four academic years he has also acted as course instructor at the ISDE Law Business School of Madrid, providing contributions in Personal Law, Obligations and Contracts and Consumer Law. Most of his writings can be consulted at and there is a summary of his CV at