Print ISSN: 2696-239X
Online ISSN: 2696-2403

La revista Horitzó és una revista científica centrada en l'àrea de les Ciències de la Religió, es publica anualment i es distribueix tant en paper com en digital, amb una extensió aproximada de 150 pàgines en les quals es pot participar amb articles escrits en francès, anglès, portuguès, italià, castellà, català i occità. La revista té un caràcter interdisciplinari i recull articles amb un to acadèmic i científic. Es vol fomentar el fet religiós des del punt de vista de diferents disciplines vinculades a la religió: filosofia, teologia, política, humanitats, sociologia, psicologia...etc.

No. 5 (2023)

We are pleased to present the 5th issue of Horitzó magazine that you have in your hands. We remain committed to providing elements for reflection that help to more deeply understand the reality we live from the religious sciences.

On this occasion, we give much prominence to the expressive force of the various arts when making an approach to human existential investigations. Thus, Ignasi Roviró provides the analysis of the painting of the Annunciation by Robert Campin, from the Mérode Triptych, in which the visible, the invisible and the symbolic space become, together, the narration of the sacred. Joan Grimalt proposes a journey through the subjectivization process as a theory of musical rubato that accompanies with very expressive references from literature, other arts and philosophy.

In the field of literature, Gabriel Magalhâes develops the study of the spirituality of Benito Pérez Galdós in the light of contemporary spirituality. Finally, Montserrat Camps Gaset offers a rereading of the pandemic as a metaphor for moral evil based on literary examples from the 20th century. XX that illuminate the reality recently experienced with COVID-19.

This look at the pandemic is complemented and dialogued with the article by Sergi Grau, which explores the metaphors used by the Greeks in pandemics from the centuries to the s. VI and V. B.C. and evidence how we
can help interpret COVID-19.

The magazine is completed with three contributions that address very current topics. Patrice Chocholski presents the task carried out by the group of researchers, theologians and historians from different countries “the Mystery of Israel” who seek to requalify the people of Israel as true interlocutors of God in order to advance in the dialogue with Judaism. Francesc Bellauví contributes his reflection to help build a new cultural paradigm respectful of the geosphere: geoethics. Finally, Ezequiel Mir has made the first translation into Catalan of Louis Beirnaert's classic article, Introduction to Freudian Psychoanalysis of Religion. We think it is a good way to contribute to the knowledge of Freud's work.

We thank all the authors for opening up very enriching perspectives, and also, the authors who provide reviews of recent works that we believe are interesting to take into account and, finally, the editorial board for its dedicated dedication.

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