El Descens d’Íštar a l’Infern Traducció i comentari breu
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Lluís Feliu Mateu
Universitat de Barcelona. Institut del Pròxim Orient Antic
El Descens d’Íštar a l’Infern va ser el primer text mitològic narratiu complet que van identificar els pioners de l’assiriologia durant la segona meitat del segle XIX. En aquest article es presenta la traducció catalana del mite amb el text babiloni acarat. També s’hi inclou un comentari breu i la història del descobriment del poema.
Palabras clave
Literatura babilònica, Ištar, Infern, Inframon, Mitologia
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Cómo citar
Feliu Mateu, Lluís. «El Descens d’Íštar a l’Infern: Traducció i comentari breu». Historiae, n.º 21, pp. 1-41, https://raco.cat/index.php/Historiae/article/view/430067.
Aguilera, Ferran. 2022. “Les característiques de la mètrica accàdia. Una aproximació breu”. Reduccions. Revista de poesia 118: 259-272.
Baldwin, Gordon / Daniel, Malcolm / Greenough, Sarah. 2004. All the Mighty World. The Photographs of Roger Fenton, 1852-1860. New Haven/Londres.
Bauer, Theo. 1953. Akkadische Lesestücke, Heft I. Keilschrifttexte. Roma.
Borger, Rikle. 1979. Babylonisch-assyrische Lesestücke I. Die Texte in Umschrift. Roma. CDLI – CDLI contributors. 2024. “Home.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. February 7, 2024.
https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/. CDLI IšD - CDLI Literary Descent of Ishtar (composite) artifact entry (2016) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). https://cdli.ucla.edu/P497322 (últim accés març 2024).
Ebeling, Erich. 1919. Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts. Leipzig.
eBL. – Enrique Jimémez (dir.), Electronic Babylonian Library. https://www.ebl.lmu.de/. (Últim accés març 2024).
Edzard, Dietz Otto / Gallery, Maureen. “Kutha.” Reallexikon der Assyriologie 6: 384-387.
ETCSL –Black, Jeremy A. / Cunningham, Graham / Ebeling, Jarle / Flückiger-Hawker, Esther / Robson, Eleanor / Taylor John E. / Zólyomi, Gábor. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (http://etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk/). Oxford, 1998-2006. (Últim accés març 2024).
Feliu, Lluís. 2022. “Mostra de poesia sumèria”. Reduccions. Revista de poesia 118: 33-84.
Feliu, Lluís. 2024. Gramàtica descriptiva de la llengua accàdia. Barcelona.
Feliu, Lluís / Millet, Adelina. 2022. Poema de Gilgamesh. (Segons els manuscrits en llengua accàdia dels mil·lennis II i I aC). Martorell.
Feliu, Lluís / Millet, Adelina. 2023. “Traduir el Poema de Gilgamesh al català”. Revista Visat. Tardor 2023. https://tuit.cat/mAt5o
Fink, Sebastian / Parpola, Simo. 2019. “The Hunter and the Asses: A Neo-Assyrian Paean Glorifying Shalmaneser III”. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 109: 177-188.
Frahm, Eckart. 2003. Recensió a Mettinger, The Riddle of Resurrection. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 93: 294-300.
Gilg. MB Ur - George, A. R. (2022). Poem of Gilgameš Chapter Middle Babylonian Ur. With contributions by E. Jiménez and G. Rozzi. Translated by Andrew R. George. electronic Babylonian Library. https://doi.org/10.5282/ebl/l/1/4 (últim accés març 2024).
Gilg. SB. - Andrew R. George, Poem of Gilgameš. Standard Babylonian. electronic Babylonian Library. https://www.ebl.lmu.de/corpus/L/1/4 (últim accés març 2024).
George, Andrew R. 2020. “Layard of Nineveh and the Tablets of Nineveh”. Dins Stefania Ermidoro / Cecilia Riva (eds.), Rethinking Layard 1817-2017. Venècia, pp. 3-24.
Hunger, Hans. 1968. Babylonische und assyrische Kolophone. Kevelaer/ Neukirchen-Vluyn.
Jensen, Peter. 1900. Assyrisch-babylonische Mythen und Epen. Berlín.
King, Leonard William. 1902. Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum 15. Londres.
Lapinkivi, Pirjo. 2010. The Neo-Assyrian Myth of Ištar’s Descent and Resurrection. Hèlsinki.
Lenormant, François. 1871. Essai de commentaire des fragments cosmogoniques de Bérose d’après les textes cunéiformes et les monuments de l’art asiatique. París.
Lenormant, François. 1872. “Tablette cunéiforme du musée Britannique”. Mélanges d’archéologie égyptienne et assyrienne 1/1: 31-35.
Lenormant, François. 1873a. “Tablette cunéiforme du musée Britannique”. Mélanges d’archéologie égyptienne et assyrienne 1/2: 80-83.
Lenormant, François. 1873b. Choix de textes cunéiformes inédits ou incomplétement publiés jusqu’a ce jour. París.
Millet, Adelina. 2022. “La poesia en les literatures semítiques antigues”. Reduccions. Revista de poesia 118: 223-248.
Noegel, Scott B. 2021. “Wordplay” in Ancient Near Eastern Texts. Atlanta.
Peled, Ilan. 2016. Masculinities and Third Gender. The Origins and Nature of an Institutionalized Gender Otherness in the Ancient Near East. Münster.
Pinches, Theophilus. 1891. The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, Vol. IV: A Selection from the Miscellaneous Inscriptions of Assyria. 2nd Edition. Londres.
Ponchia, Simonetta / Luukko, Mikko. 2013. The Standard Babylonian Myth of Nergal and Ereškigal. Hèlsinki.
Reiner, Erica. 1985. Your thwarts in pieces, your mooring rope cut: Poetry from Babylonia and Assyria. Ann Arbor.
Sallaberger, Walther. 1996. Der babylonische Töpfer und seine Gefässe. Ghent.
Schrader, Eberhard. 1874. Die Höllenfahrt der Istar. Ein altbabylonisches Epos. Nebts Proben assyrischer Lyrik. Giessen.
Schwemer, Daniel. 2020. “Any Evil, a Stalking Ghost, and the Bull-Headed Demon”. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 110: 141-160.
Setälä, Albert. 2022a. Descent of Ištar Chapter Standard Babylonian. With contributions by Z. J. Földi, A. Hätinen, E. Jiménez and G. Rozzi. Translated by Benjamin R. Foster. electronic Babylonian Library. https://www.ebl.lmu.de/corpus/L/1/8/SB/- (últim accés gener 2024).
Setälä, Albert. 2022b. Descent of Ištar Chapter Neo-Assyrian. With contributions by Z. J. Földi, A. Hätinen, E. Jiménez and G. Rozzi. Translated by Benjamin R. Foster. electronic Babylonian Library. https://doi.org/10.5282/ebl/l/1/8 (últim accés gener 2024).
Smith, George. 1875. The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, Vol. IV: A Selection from the Miscellaneous Inscriptions of Assyria. Londres.
Sonnek, Frank. 1940. “Die Einführung der direkten Rede in den epischen Texten”. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 46: 225-235.
Streck, Michael P. 1999. Die Bildersprache der akkadischen Epik. Münster.
Streck, Michael P. 2007. “Der Parallelismus membrorum in den altbabylonischen Hymnen”. Dins Wagner, Andreas (ed.) Parallelismus membrorum. Fribourg/Göttingen, pp. 167-181.
Talbot, William Henry Fox. 1866. “Assyrian Translations”. Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom. Second Series 8: 230-295.
Talbot, William Henry Fox. 1870. “Contributions towards a Glossary of the Assyrian Language. Part II”. The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, New Series, Vol. 4, No. 1: 1-80.
Talbot, William H. Fox. 1873. “The Legend of Ishtar Descending to Hades”. Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology 2: 179-212.
Waetzoldt, Hartmut. 2015. “Inannas Gang in die Unterwelt”. Dins Volk, Konrad (ed.), Erzählungen aus dem Land Sumer. Wiesbaden, pp. 375-398; 437-441.
Baldwin, Gordon / Daniel, Malcolm / Greenough, Sarah. 2004. All the Mighty World. The Photographs of Roger Fenton, 1852-1860. New Haven/Londres.
Bauer, Theo. 1953. Akkadische Lesestücke, Heft I. Keilschrifttexte. Roma.
Borger, Rikle. 1979. Babylonisch-assyrische Lesestücke I. Die Texte in Umschrift. Roma. CDLI – CDLI contributors. 2024. “Home.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. February 7, 2024.
https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/. CDLI IšD - CDLI Literary Descent of Ishtar (composite) artifact entry (2016) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). https://cdli.ucla.edu/P497322 (últim accés març 2024).
Ebeling, Erich. 1919. Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts. Leipzig.
eBL. – Enrique Jimémez (dir.), Electronic Babylonian Library. https://www.ebl.lmu.de/. (Últim accés març 2024).
Edzard, Dietz Otto / Gallery, Maureen. “Kutha.” Reallexikon der Assyriologie 6: 384-387.
ETCSL –Black, Jeremy A. / Cunningham, Graham / Ebeling, Jarle / Flückiger-Hawker, Esther / Robson, Eleanor / Taylor John E. / Zólyomi, Gábor. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (http://etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk/). Oxford, 1998-2006. (Últim accés març 2024).
Feliu, Lluís. 2022. “Mostra de poesia sumèria”. Reduccions. Revista de poesia 118: 33-84.
Feliu, Lluís. 2024. Gramàtica descriptiva de la llengua accàdia. Barcelona.
Feliu, Lluís / Millet, Adelina. 2022. Poema de Gilgamesh. (Segons els manuscrits en llengua accàdia dels mil·lennis II i I aC). Martorell.
Feliu, Lluís / Millet, Adelina. 2023. “Traduir el Poema de Gilgamesh al català”. Revista Visat. Tardor 2023. https://tuit.cat/mAt5o
Fink, Sebastian / Parpola, Simo. 2019. “The Hunter and the Asses: A Neo-Assyrian Paean Glorifying Shalmaneser III”. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 109: 177-188.
Frahm, Eckart. 2003. Recensió a Mettinger, The Riddle of Resurrection. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 93: 294-300.
Gilg. MB Ur - George, A. R. (2022). Poem of Gilgameš Chapter Middle Babylonian Ur. With contributions by E. Jiménez and G. Rozzi. Translated by Andrew R. George. electronic Babylonian Library. https://doi.org/10.5282/ebl/l/1/4 (últim accés març 2024).
Gilg. SB. - Andrew R. George, Poem of Gilgameš. Standard Babylonian. electronic Babylonian Library. https://www.ebl.lmu.de/corpus/L/1/4 (últim accés març 2024).
George, Andrew R. 2020. “Layard of Nineveh and the Tablets of Nineveh”. Dins Stefania Ermidoro / Cecilia Riva (eds.), Rethinking Layard 1817-2017. Venècia, pp. 3-24.
Hunger, Hans. 1968. Babylonische und assyrische Kolophone. Kevelaer/ Neukirchen-Vluyn.
Jensen, Peter. 1900. Assyrisch-babylonische Mythen und Epen. Berlín.
King, Leonard William. 1902. Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum 15. Londres.
Lapinkivi, Pirjo. 2010. The Neo-Assyrian Myth of Ištar’s Descent and Resurrection. Hèlsinki.
Lenormant, François. 1871. Essai de commentaire des fragments cosmogoniques de Bérose d’après les textes cunéiformes et les monuments de l’art asiatique. París.
Lenormant, François. 1872. “Tablette cunéiforme du musée Britannique”. Mélanges d’archéologie égyptienne et assyrienne 1/1: 31-35.
Lenormant, François. 1873a. “Tablette cunéiforme du musée Britannique”. Mélanges d’archéologie égyptienne et assyrienne 1/2: 80-83.
Lenormant, François. 1873b. Choix de textes cunéiformes inédits ou incomplétement publiés jusqu’a ce jour. París.
Millet, Adelina. 2022. “La poesia en les literatures semítiques antigues”. Reduccions. Revista de poesia 118: 223-248.
Noegel, Scott B. 2021. “Wordplay” in Ancient Near Eastern Texts. Atlanta.
Peled, Ilan. 2016. Masculinities and Third Gender. The Origins and Nature of an Institutionalized Gender Otherness in the Ancient Near East. Münster.
Pinches, Theophilus. 1891. The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, Vol. IV: A Selection from the Miscellaneous Inscriptions of Assyria. 2nd Edition. Londres.
Ponchia, Simonetta / Luukko, Mikko. 2013. The Standard Babylonian Myth of Nergal and Ereškigal. Hèlsinki.
Reiner, Erica. 1985. Your thwarts in pieces, your mooring rope cut: Poetry from Babylonia and Assyria. Ann Arbor.
Sallaberger, Walther. 1996. Der babylonische Töpfer und seine Gefässe. Ghent.
Schrader, Eberhard. 1874. Die Höllenfahrt der Istar. Ein altbabylonisches Epos. Nebts Proben assyrischer Lyrik. Giessen.
Schwemer, Daniel. 2020. “Any Evil, a Stalking Ghost, and the Bull-Headed Demon”. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 110: 141-160.
Setälä, Albert. 2022a. Descent of Ištar Chapter Standard Babylonian. With contributions by Z. J. Földi, A. Hätinen, E. Jiménez and G. Rozzi. Translated by Benjamin R. Foster. electronic Babylonian Library. https://www.ebl.lmu.de/corpus/L/1/8/SB/- (últim accés gener 2024).
Setälä, Albert. 2022b. Descent of Ištar Chapter Neo-Assyrian. With contributions by Z. J. Földi, A. Hätinen, E. Jiménez and G. Rozzi. Translated by Benjamin R. Foster. electronic Babylonian Library. https://doi.org/10.5282/ebl/l/1/8 (últim accés gener 2024).
Smith, George. 1875. The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, Vol. IV: A Selection from the Miscellaneous Inscriptions of Assyria. Londres.
Sonnek, Frank. 1940. “Die Einführung der direkten Rede in den epischen Texten”. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 46: 225-235.
Streck, Michael P. 1999. Die Bildersprache der akkadischen Epik. Münster.
Streck, Michael P. 2007. “Der Parallelismus membrorum in den altbabylonischen Hymnen”. Dins Wagner, Andreas (ed.) Parallelismus membrorum. Fribourg/Göttingen, pp. 167-181.
Talbot, William Henry Fox. 1866. “Assyrian Translations”. Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom. Second Series 8: 230-295.
Talbot, William Henry Fox. 1870. “Contributions towards a Glossary of the Assyrian Language. Part II”. The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, New Series, Vol. 4, No. 1: 1-80.
Talbot, William H. Fox. 1873. “The Legend of Ishtar Descending to Hades”. Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology 2: 179-212.
Waetzoldt, Hartmut. 2015. “Inannas Gang in die Unterwelt”. Dins Volk, Konrad (ed.), Erzählungen aus dem Land Sumer. Wiesbaden, pp. 375-398; 437-441.