Martijn Eickhoff / Daniel Modl / Katie Meheux / Erwin Muijten (ed.), National-Socialist Archaeology in Europe and its Legacies. Cham, Springer, 2023, 685 pàgines. ISBN: 978-3-031-28023-8.
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Jordi Vidal
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Ciències de l'Antiguitat i de l'Edat Mitjana
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Vidal, Jordi. “Martijn Eickhoff / Daniel Modl / Katie Meheux / Erwin Muijten (ed.), National-Socialist Archaeology in Europe and its Legacies. Cham, Springer, 2023, 685 pàgines. ISBN: 978-3-031-28023-8”. Historiae, no. 21, pp. 131-4,
Susan Sontag, “Fascinating Fascism”, New York Review of Books, 06/02/1974: 9-10.
David Barrowclough, Digging for Hitler. The Nazi Archaeologists Search for an Aryan Past, Croydon, 2016.
Heather Pringle, The Master Plan. Himmler’s Scholars and the Holocaust, Londres, 2006.
Heather Pringle, El plan maestro. Arqueología fantástica al servicio del régimen nazi, Barcelona, 2007
Uta Halle, “Archaeology in the Third Reich. Academic Scholsarship and the Rise of the ‘Lunatic Fringe’”, Archaeological Dialogues 12/1 (2005): 91-102;
Dirk Mahsarski, Herbert Jankuhn (1905-1990). Ein deutscher Prähistoriker zwischen nationalsozialisticher Ideologie und wissenschaftlicher Objektivität, Rahden, 2011.
Peter Bogucki, “Ancient Europe. The discovery of Antiquity”, a P. Bahn (ed.), The history of archaeology. An introduction, Londres / Nova York, 2014: 15-38.
David Barrowclough, Digging for Hitler. The Nazi Archaeologists Search for an Aryan Past, Croydon, 2016.
Heather Pringle, The Master Plan. Himmler’s Scholars and the Holocaust, Londres, 2006.
Heather Pringle, El plan maestro. Arqueología fantástica al servicio del régimen nazi, Barcelona, 2007
Uta Halle, “Archaeology in the Third Reich. Academic Scholsarship and the Rise of the ‘Lunatic Fringe’”, Archaeological Dialogues 12/1 (2005): 91-102;
Dirk Mahsarski, Herbert Jankuhn (1905-1990). Ein deutscher Prähistoriker zwischen nationalsozialisticher Ideologie und wissenschaftlicher Objektivität, Rahden, 2011.
Peter Bogucki, “Ancient Europe. The discovery of Antiquity”, a P. Bahn (ed.), The history of archaeology. An introduction, Londres / Nova York, 2014: 15-38.
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